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59-year-old graduate student makes Division III football team

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mike Flynt, 59, of Franklin, Tennessee has made the roster of the Sul Ross State Lobos' football team, and could play as early as September 1, 2007. Flynt last played college football in 1970. Flynt returns reportedly after stating that he regretted his dismissal from the school's football team before his senior year. Flynt eventually received his bachelor's degree from Sul Ross after attending another school where he earned the last 12 credit hours he needed. He transferred those hours back to Sul Ross. Flynt enrolled in graduate school so he can take advantage of his final semester of Division III eligibility.

Flynt is giving new meaning to being a college senior. After all, he's a grandfather. He's eight years older than his coach and has two kids older than any of his teammates. His youngest child just started at the University of Tennessee.

Flynt's position is still being determined, but he used to play linebacker. Wherever he lines up, just getting into a game likely will make him the oldest player in college football history. Neither the NCAA or NAIA keeps such a statistic, but research hasn't turned up anyone older than mid-40s.

And with around 200 pounds (90 kg) on a 5-10 (178 cm) frame, about the only visible difference from his playing days is a shaved head. He's in tremendous shape for his age because he's made a living out of working out. Flynt, who declined an interview request, is paying his own tuition because Division III schools do not offer athletic scholarships.

